
Bollywood Comes to South Africa to Film

The Indian film industry is more than a century old and one of the world’s most advanced. India and South Africa have held close ties for centuries – South Africa houses a large Indian diaspora, …


Why Film in South Africa?

It would be hard to find a better filming location than South Africa anywhere else in the world. Anyone who has visited our country will be familiar with its spectacular …

South African Penguins on the Beach

Location, Location, Location!

After 20 years in business The Network’s location database is exhaustive; embracing all of Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Indian Ocean Island paradises such as the Seychelles and Mauritius. …


Filming Weather in South Africa

South Africa’s varied weather patterns in the different regions of the country mean that we can offer year round shooting. South African weather conditions generally range from Mediterranean in the …


Cape Town: A Winter Sun Destination

If “Winter” in South Africa is warmer and sunnier than the concept of “Summer” many people have from their own countries – can it really be described as “Winter”? Average …